A Psychologist’s Guide to Online Dating
Have online match sites and dating apps left you perpetually unlucky in love? There may be a scientific explanation. New research from the University of Kansas has found that it’s hard to gauge if you find someone attractive from a photograph alone. Instead, you must actually meet them in person, as personality plays a very important role in our overall physical attraction to someone. This may explain why online dating hasn’t worked out for you.
For those who do feel romantic attraction (to men, women, or any combination of genders), that’s where online dating comes in. Asexuality.
Whether you are an avid follower of the Law of Attraction or a curious information seeker, you can use the Law of Attraction tenets to make your online dating experience fun, exciting and exactly what you are hoping for. The power of the Law of Attraction can be used with an awareness to create your results. I have combined my over 14 years of experiences in online dating with my successes in life using the Law of Attraction to bring you a powerful guide.
This guide can be used many times over. It can be used in the online and real-world dating arenas. My book gives you the key to happiness in this sometimes frustrating process. You will want to share this key with friends who are in similar circumstances.